Thursday, September 12, 2019

What's A Little Known Coaching Method That Can Quickly & Dramatically Improve Your Results?

Sometimes as a leader, business owner, manager, we need a raw reality check! We all need those from time to time to achieve what we desire!

We great distracted. We have so many things tugging at our attention...that may have less to do with what really needs to get done.

If fact for those of us with a ton of responsibility, there are lots of things that need to get done - but some sooner than others - timing is critical. The challenge for us?...keeping the main thing the main thing.

So how do we practically do that? In a recent conversation with an executive client, we discussed a very simple method that can be used to easily coach this issue in an highly-effective way...and in a way that is little recognized.

The cool thing is, this method does not require some highfalutin coaching engagement and...the really good news???? It's free!

Imagine doing something for free and being able to get a high financial return! :-)

Here's what I suggested - use 2 simple time management practices - time mapping and/or time tracking using a week at a glance spreadsheet or calendar tool. 

Why? Time usage is a truth teller!...and it reflects 2 critical areas of getting the right things done at the right time to achieve desired activity and results.

Area 1 >  How and what decisions are made through-out the cycle of the week.

Area 2 > How those decisions correspond and align with pre-determined, strategic targets & goals.

This may sound really strange, but hang with me here. 

If we're not achieving the results we want, the main reason is...we are choosing not to! Choices produce results.

Now, we may not be clearly conscious of this truth for a variety of reasons...we're stressed, we're working at a fast past, our busy is overriding clear strategic thinking, outside forces are managing us vs. us managing them, we're in a state of constant f.o.g. - fear, obligation & guilt causing confusion and overwhelm...the list goes on.

Here is the essential key - our decision-making drives our results. So, using time usage to help us build awareness of our decision-making is a highly useful and profitable endeavor.

Also, when doing this within tight time cycles - a day or week, we can quickly course correct so that we can rapidly improve performance and results.  Why wait a month or quarter to assess and change what can be done in shorter periods of time? Why not improve faster? It's your choice. (By the way, this also makes a useful team time management activity).

By the way, this is a helpful team time management activity to quickly improve collective productivity and results.

All in all, this is one of many practical techniques we use with our effective executive - smart management initiative. You can learn more here: The 3 Disciplines: How to Boost Your Executive Effectiveness in 60 Days

Resources You'll Want to Consider

1. We know that time management is business management, so we've created a time management skills resource page - go here

2. Read The Effective Executive by the father of modern day management Peter Drucker. Several of my clients have given this book to their senior leadership team.

3. Read Results-Based Leadership - David Ulrich...and you're thinking what else is there?? You'd be surprised

Key Point: The need for effective execution in leadership and management, which includes senior management, middle management (even C-suite leaders) is a big deal. So, we've decided to create a special development opportunity in this area. It's called The 3 Disciplines: How to Boost Your Executive Effectiveness in 60 Days. If you know you need to be more effective in achieving expected-needed results or you need to get better at strategic execution - learn more about this.

Also recent posts: 

Leadership Tip: Be An Executive | Little Known Coaching Method | Do You Take Time Management in Business Seriously?

Exciting News! // We're excited to launch our new digital arm - Manage Global. To compliment our global reach with our LinkedIn Learning courses, we're offering a compelling resource - The Smart Management Blueprint that can be accessed and implemented in any business environment, world-wide. It provides a step-by-step roadmap to simultaneously improve business and people management while developing competent managers. If you feel a need for improvement in any of these areas you'll want to learn more. Check it out here!

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