If you've been following my blog, you've noticed that as of late I've been putting a special emphasis on the concept of being an effective executive. And with that, I've been providing information to help you break through the overwhelming glut of leadership information that can easily distract from focusing on what's most important first.
As a fellow business leader, my deepest desire is to help all of us build the business of our dreams if we're an owner, or to be the most valuable senior leader possible in supporting those dreams. So I consistently attempt to provide the most useful, fine-tuned information so that you can act quickly to improve your results.
I feel lucky that I'm able to do this in a distinct way through my expertise in human behavior. It's my contribution to the American dream! This expertise offers unique insights into how to grow and manage a business though people.
In doing this, I constantly ask myself, "If I could narrow down to just a few things what leaders need to know through my lens...or what's the most important or #1 insight that would be the most helpful - saving a ton of time and money...what would I share?" I regularly get inspired thoughts, so here is my most recent.
Question: What are the most significant leadership behaviors that need to be in place so that employee problems stay at a minimum? The answers to follow are based on years of observation. I've laid them out so that you can use them as a checklist for yourself and your leadership/management team(s). By the way, if you are having employee problems within particular teams, you can be assured the managers for those teams is not fulfilling this list. However, as you're reading this right now, read it as if you're applying it to yourself first.
1. Have clear expectations
What is it that you want?... for your business related to how you want your managers and staff to act, behavior and the kind of mindset you want them to have - this is beyond their job role/responsibilities? You have to be clear because this is your standard and benchmark for your business.
Additionally your expectations need to be believable and that means you not only need to talk it, but you walk it. Your staff won't think it's real, respect it or take it serious if you don't honor your own expectations. You've got to be and remain credible!
2. Communicate your expectations clearly and consistently.
You know this is happening when everyone on your team has no doubt what's expected. Don't assume (which many leaders do) because you've expressed it a few times means they remember, get it or take it seriously. And remember, we communicate not only by what we say, but by what we do.
Ok...so you might be thinking at this point..."Alrighty...this is easy...I do this..." Good, let's keep going because #3 is where for many, it starts to break down.
3. Quickly act to address expectations not met.
When you address the expectations not being met is equally as important as communicating them in the first place. Why quickly? - because the timing of when you do will demonstrate your level of seriousness. The more and longer you tolerate something, the less serious it will be taken...and the more your credibility will begin to crumble.
How you address is also important. Please don't go the punitive, parental route. Ugh! You want to convey a collaboratiave partnership, so have an adult conversation about expectations and willingness to honor. Something like, "Here's the kind of business and atmosphere I want, hopefully it's what you want to and are you willing to help make that happen ...or are you willing to honor that."
4. Ensure your management team is consistently, appropriately representing and communicating your expectations and equally as important - make sure you've equipped them with the process and support they need to do #3. Please don't "leave it to HR". You need to be the lead...setting the standard and process and can be supported by HR.
As a business leader, I'm not leaving anything of this important to someone else or a department. I set the standard, expectations and how those will be communicated...and how those who are unwilling to honor will be handled. Hopefully this is your philosophy as well!
So, here is my closing bold statement - I guarantee you that almost 98% of people management issues are related to the absence or weakness of 1-4.
If you need assistance addressing any of these 4, we're happy to help. Our Effective Executive Blueprint for Smart Management addresses all of these with a visual framework you can use to assess, develop, manage and monitor these through-out your organization.
I invite you to check it out with our The Distinct Leader Blueprint. .
Exciting News! // To compliment our global reach with our LinkedIn Learning courses, we're offering a compelling resource - The Blueprint. It can be accessed and implemented in any business environment, world-wide. It provides a step-by-step roadmap to simultaneously improve business and people management while developing competent managers. If you feel a need for improvement in any of these areas you'll want to learn more. Check out the link above.
As a fellow business leader, my deepest desire is to help all of us build the business of our dreams if we're an owner, or to be the most valuable senior leader possible in supporting those dreams. So I consistently attempt to provide the most useful, fine-tuned information so that you can act quickly to improve your results.
I feel lucky that I'm able to do this in a distinct way through my expertise in human behavior. It's my contribution to the American dream! This expertise offers unique insights into how to grow and manage a business though people.
In doing this, I constantly ask myself, "If I could narrow down to just a few things what leaders need to know through my lens...or what's the most important or #1 insight that would be the most helpful - saving a ton of time and money...what would I share?" I regularly get inspired thoughts, so here is my most recent.
Question: What are the most significant leadership behaviors that need to be in place so that employee problems stay at a minimum? The answers to follow are based on years of observation. I've laid them out so that you can use them as a checklist for yourself and your leadership/management team(s). By the way, if you are having employee problems within particular teams, you can be assured the managers for those teams is not fulfilling this list. However, as you're reading this right now, read it as if you're applying it to yourself first.
1. Have clear expectations
What is it that you want?... for your business related to how you want your managers and staff to act, behavior and the kind of mindset you want them to have - this is beyond their job role/responsibilities? You have to be clear because this is your standard and benchmark for your business.
Additionally your expectations need to be believable and that means you not only need to talk it, but you walk it. Your staff won't think it's real, respect it or take it serious if you don't honor your own expectations. You've got to be and remain credible!
2. Communicate your expectations clearly and consistently.
You know this is happening when everyone on your team has no doubt what's expected. Don't assume (which many leaders do) because you've expressed it a few times means they remember, get it or take it seriously. And remember, we communicate not only by what we say, but by what we do.
Ok...so you might be thinking at this point..."Alrighty...this is easy...I do this..." Good, let's keep going because #3 is where for many, it starts to break down.
3. Quickly act to address expectations not met.
When you address the expectations not being met is equally as important as communicating them in the first place. Why quickly? - because the timing of when you do will demonstrate your level of seriousness. The more and longer you tolerate something, the less serious it will be taken...and the more your credibility will begin to crumble.
How you address is also important. Please don't go the punitive, parental route. Ugh! You want to convey a collaboratiave partnership, so have an adult conversation about expectations and willingness to honor. Something like, "Here's the kind of business and atmosphere I want, hopefully it's what you want to and are you willing to help make that happen ...or are you willing to honor that."
4. Ensure your management team is consistently, appropriately representing and communicating your expectations and equally as important - make sure you've equipped them with the process and support they need to do #3. Please don't "leave it to HR". You need to be the lead...setting the standard and process and can be supported by HR.
As a business leader, I'm not leaving anything of this important to someone else or a department. I set the standard, expectations and how those will be communicated...and how those who are unwilling to honor will be handled. Hopefully this is your philosophy as well!
So, here is my closing bold statement - I guarantee you that almost 98% of people management issues are related to the absence or weakness of 1-4.
If you need assistance addressing any of these 4, we're happy to help. Our Effective Executive Blueprint for Smart Management addresses all of these with a visual framework you can use to assess, develop, manage and monitor these through-out your organization.
I invite you to check it out with our The Distinct Leader Blueprint. .
Exciting News! // To compliment our global reach with our LinkedIn Learning courses, we're offering a compelling resource - The Blueprint. It can be accessed and implemented in any business environment, world-wide. It provides a step-by-step roadmap to simultaneously improve business and people management while developing competent managers. If you feel a need for improvement in any of these areas you'll want to learn more. Check out the link above.