Monday, July 16, 2018

Why My Business Sabbatical Should Matter to You

Looking Back to Plan Forward - The Founder's Journey

It's been 20 years since I hung out my shingle with a dream to build a successful business. I'm intimately familiar with the cocktail of initial feelings - you know ...that mixture of excitement, uncertainty, terror and can't turn back now passion.

Honestly I wouldn't have dreamed I'd be a recognized leader in my field, consistently name to a top list of something or other (most recently top 30 Global HR Influencers). And, in addition, married to an entrepreneur who owns two businesses and have 3 adult step children who own and run their own. Combined we employ over 125 people, and generate $30+ million in annual revenue -- and growing.

We truly represent and are living the American dream with its daily challenges, hopes and fears of most business owners and leaders.

My Backstory Can Serve Your Current & Future Success
Entering my 20th year in business, I was recently reflecting on my life to date, I came to an astonishing realization that I not only had I been in business for  20 years, but had experienced an additional 20 years as a young professional. That's almost 2 generations - lordie!

I've also traveled extensively throughout North America teaching and speaking to thousands. This experience helped me gain a ground floor and csuite view of business operations in a variety of context. I could tell you some stories!

As I was constantly exposed to a variety of business challenges large and small, one of the most significant lessons and observations gained, is that very few businesses have a dependable way to confidentlyconsistently get needed results through people. This finding is still hugely relevant today.

Most do not have a way that is simple, easy to understand and implement and provides consistent results month after month…something any business owner or leader can count on… one that would be in fact predictable.

And, they are confronted with this persistent dilemma -- what's currently available to meet the need of consistentsuccessful people management - the ability to lead people and run a business to get optimum results is sorely insufficient

Industries from which conventional approaches are derived such as talent management, human resources, leadership & management training, organizational design & development and change management are disjointed, haphazard, typically not business growth focused, lacks business acumen, provides no operational structure or support, inconsistent, lacks continuity, mostly ineffective and wastes a tremendous amount of time and money. 

Honestly, (and here is the sad part) it's been the same for 20 years. The only difference, there is more "stuff" available adding to the confusion.

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// JCS Business Advisors is a holistic business growth consultancy that partners with forward-thinking senior leaders, entrepreneurs and their HR counterparts to bridge the knowledge gap in connecting people, performance, and profits. We focus on smarter business building by helping leaders understand and leverage human behavior. This knowledge gap is the most significant reason for operational problems. // email: // Ph: 888.388.0565 // Schedule a complimentary advisory call and receive a copy of our latest executive briefing.

Learn about our "all-in-one" system that develops competent leaders and managers, fosters high-performing teams, minimizes employee problems while profitably growing your business. Access here

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